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Where is Beretta Holding headquartered?

Beretta Holding is headquartered in Luxembourg. It is an holding company for the Italian industrial group and holds direct or indirect participation in 26 companies. The eponymous company is managed by fifteenth-generation descendants of Maestro Bartolomeo Beretta, progenitor of a firearms manufacturing dynasty.

What makes Beretta a great brand?

Leading 500 Years of Outdoor Exploration, Dynamic Growth, Diversification, and Globalization. Beretta Holding S.A., through its powerful brands, has been a staple within the hunting, sporting, and defense community for centuries.

How long has Beretta been in business?

To the best of the company's knowledge, Beretta was up and running as a concern for roughly 80 years by the time Bartolomeo Beretta got the big order for 185 harquebus barrels from the doge of Venice in 1526, which is the listed 'official' birth of the company.

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